Our Harmoniums History

What we know:

– our harmonium was manufactured by Bells of Canada and has pencil signature inside the case from 1892.  It’s very hard to read the full inscription but it looks like a signature.

– our harmonium came from Beccles Rd Methodist church in Gorleston.  Probably around 1988 when it closed its doors as a church and was redeveloped.

-It was apparently destined for the skip but was pulled round the Gorleston roads on a sack barrow to my wife’s family home by my father in law with some mates.

– It is likely my wife’s mother used to play it probably often while she was at Sunday school when the family attended the church.  My wife’s father was on the methodist preaching circuit.

– my wife’s father intended to fix it up but it was never a hit with his wife even though she was the player.  In the end it sat in the dinning room and later a garage, which is where we found it.

– the harmonium now sits in my study in about 50 pieces.. hopefully it will go back together!

What we would like to know:

– Does anyone have any pictures of our harmonium inside the chapel?

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